Sunday, November 28, 2010

TSA puts ads on pizza boxes

"A career where x-ray vision and federal benefits come standard"

From the Washington Post:

TSA using pizza boxes to recruit new workers

Federal agencies often head to college campuses, job fairs or buy newspaper classified ads to announce new job openings. But the Transportation Security Administration is reaching out with pepperoni and cheese.

"A Career Where X-Ray Vision and Federal Benefits Come Standard," reads a TSA ad appearing on pizza boxes across the Washington region.


The boxed ad campaign was developed last year in an effort to reach a broader applicant pool, according to TSA spokesman Greg Soule. The agency routinely uses ad space on Metro trains, at gas stations and in newspapers or buys ad time during movie previews. But no word on the cost of the pizza box campaign or which restaurants are using the boxes.



The comments people left on the website of the Washington Post are priceless:

"'The boxed ad campaign was developed last year in an effort to reach a broader applicant pool.' And that pool would be what? Ignorant lard butts? Just what the TSA needs - more obese cows clogging up the already inane security process."

"Recruiting via a pizza box. How appropriate since the security measures performed by TSA are both cheesy and loaded with fat."

"They should advertise on McDonald's Happy Meals since the behavior of the TSA agents at National Airport resembles a playground at an elementary school rather than serious professionals concerned about national security."

"As other commenters have already noted: The pizza box advertisement does seem to be the ideal demographic for TSA employees. The bottom of the Federal Ladder for sure......I'm sure they were meeting resistance on college campuses to have a career in telling people to throw away their shampoo."

"Put ads on cheap beer and the demographic goals will be complete."

After the aforementioned comments were posted about the article, the Washington Post disabled the ability for readers to comment about the TSA.

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